This course offers tools, tips & tricks to improve your marketing plan & overall digital marketing performance. You’ll learn how a variety of frameworks & tools work to elevate your B2B & B2C digital marketing strategy & implementation.
Learn what content marketing is how develop a smart content marketing strategy. Discover how to correctly identify an audience and work out your substance.
If email is a core part of your marketing strategy, you need to know your way around Mailchimp like an expert. Packed with useful downloads to help you, this course covers all the essentials needed to create an email marketing campaign from scratch.
Learn how organizations are utilizing social media Strategy to discover new clients and develop their brands.
Master the fundamental skills needed to create & maintain your unique personal brand. Learn the essential do’s and don’ts when creating a personal brand & plan and implement your own brand campaign strategy with pro tips and tactics.
Learn data science from Fiverr. In this course, you’ll learn essential definitions and gain an understanding of the tools that are fundamental to data science.
Learn a sure-fire process to design impactful logos including insider tips, tools, techniques, resources & best practices. This course provides a framework for concept generation giving your creative mind the structure & freedom to soar.
Master Instagram’s diverse range of marketing tools & learn how to define target audiences, create inspiring ad content & comply with best practices on reporting and optimization.
Learn the key principles of Adobe InDesign with this fundamentals course taking you from beginner to creating pro-level designs. This detailed course covers theory & practical skills to create expert designs for your business or for paying clients.
Learn how to harness the power of Analytics to get the most out of the data you collect and build your Google Analytics knowledge from the ground-up with this detailed fundamentals training course that will lay the foundations for your career.
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